Saturday, April 10, 2010

Two of My Most Important Dreams For the Future

I have alot of dreams for the future, but i am just going to tell you about my two most important. being a police officer has been one of my dreams since i was little, and it still is. this is my back up plan, if i don't make it to be a pro athlete. i am going to school for criminal justice, then I'm going to try and work for the top-notch agencies like the FBI,CIA,SWAT,CSI, or DEA, i want to be where the action is. i also want to become a police officer because i want to help make sure that this world stays safe for everyone who lives in it. i will do that by putting criminals, or any other people who cause harm to other people,in any way, behind bars, or wherever they need to go. i know that i have to keep working hard in school, and in the community to accomplish this goal, and i wont stop working until i do.

Being a pro athlete is every boys dream, but unfortunately every boy doesn't make it. I'm going to make it, because I'm going to work and work and work as hard as i can to make myself pro material. even though i will make millions of dollars playing pro sports, that is not what i am in it for, i am in it because i love athletics. the main sports are basketball and football. i love both of those games. i want to go over seas to play basketball, i want to go to china,Argentina, and Australia, then i want to play for the USA Olympic team for the Olympic games. i want to play football for the Canadians, and for the NFL. if i go to the NFL i want to play for the vikings, or the eagles. i am working on football now, i play for the high school, and i am pretty good, i still have a few things to work on, but that what practice is for, and that is what i have to do so i can live my dream of becoming a pro athlete.

As you can see, i have alot of work to do, and alot of practice, so i need to start working, and working hard. i am going to try and live both of my dreams. i will play sports first, and then i will be a police officer, but i will already be ready, because i would have went to school for criminal justice already. it looks like i have big dreams. now its time for me to have Deja Vu.

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