Monday, March 1, 2010

Henry Bill

Today i woke up and had to get straight to work, didn't eat breakfast because I didn't have enough time. I had to work in the fields today. I raked the grass, picked a few things of cotton, then by that time I got tired, real tired. my neck was burning and I didn't have any energy. After like three hours I collapsed. my eyes closed and I'm a matter of seconds there was this sharp pain across my back. when I opened my eyes I saw three slave masters above me two of them were yelling and the other one was whipping me. they were screaming things like get up wake up get back to work nigger. I tried but as soon as Igot up I fell right back down from the whip. finally they stopped and let me get up, it took me a while but whatever. finally it was time to go to inside, and it just so happened they had company so guess where I had to go. In the kitchen. really? The kitchen were they that embarrassed to have me in their home? When I went to sleep I was heated, I got whipped, sent into the kitchen, and I cant lay on my back. Something tells me that tomorrow isn't going to be any different.

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