Thursday, April 22, 2010

chapter 5

"Thank yuh fuh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bout no speech- makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She's uh woman and her place is in de home."

It sounds like the mayor is saying that Janie doesn’t know how to make speeches, and all he married her for is to work in their home, and the store, and he doesn’t want her to do nothing more. He also made her feel pretty bad, she felt cold, and I don’t blame her either.

"There’s some women dat jus’ ain’t for you tuh broach. You can’t git her wid no fish sandwich."

This is when Joe and Janie arrived in Eatonville, and everyone was staring at Janie because of her beautiful long black hair and her looks. Then there was a guy with a fish sandwich, and a guy who was cleaning up, and the guy with the fish sandwich is trying to talk to Janie, and the guy who he was cleaning up with said you need more than a fish sandwich to get her.

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