Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter 17 Pg. 140

"Before the week was over he had whipped Janie. Not because her behavior justified his jealousy, but it relieved that awful fear inside him. Being able to whip her reassured him in possession. No brutal beating at all. He just slapped her around a bit to show he was boss."

I think that this quote means that Tea Cake wanted to prove to Janie that he wore the pants in the family by whipping her. He wanted to let her know that he was the one with the authority. He didn't want to beat her too bad but just enough for her to realize that she better not get too relaxed;even though he was wrong.It says in the story that he just slapped her around a little bit, but to me he took it too far, he shouldn't have touched her at all. She shouldn't have had to be slapped around because he has something wrong with him in the inside.

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