Monday, November 8, 2010

The Ilad Characters and Courage

I think that the iliad characters show great courage, achilles showed great courage when he went to battle, he showed a great amount of bravery,and mastery toward his skill that he had been training for. His mother also showed courage by coming to his rescue and "taking his Head in pity" when he was hurt. Zeus also showed courage because he was. Basically the leader of the gods, and he does a pretty good job with that, because it takes a whole lot of courage to rule a "world". That's what they call it, the underworld and the heavens. The armies also showed courage just because they went to battle. Just the thought of fighting for your country or world shows courage. Now just because you fight doesn't mean that you are showing courage. There are many kinds of ways to show courage. For example, you might have the strength and the courage to say no, of you might have the courage to speak up for yourself, when it is needed. You can also have the strength and courage to walk away from an altercation. Not meaning that you are a "softy", but just showing that you have better things in life to do than to waste your time arguing and fighting with people who have nothing better to do than to fight. Most of all is the courage to tell the truth, even though the truth might not be very convincing or believable, it is still good that you know you told the truth. In a way, all of these characters showed some type of courage, whether it was fighting and losing, or fighting and winning, or helping someone who has had harm done to them, or leading something,everyone showed courage.

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