Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Is Evil?

Arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct. That is one of the official definitions of evil. I think that most of the time when a person is evil that there was something wrong or, something really bad happened to them while they were in their early childhood years. However, there are some people that are evil just because they just want to be those are true evil people to me because there is no real purpose for what they are doing, even though there should be n reason or purpose for people being evil because there should be no evil at all. In the story Beowulf, Grendel and his mother were considered evil, because they were going around killing everyone, but Grendel didn’t have a purpose or a reason, he was just born from evil so he did what he knew best. on the other hand Grendel’s mother started her reign of terror after Beowulf had killed her son Grendel. She felt that he had taken away the closest person to her, away from her. so she started terrorizing the army and the kingdom. These are two examples of evil that I thought would help explain what I am trying to say, evil is around and will always be around, it is everywhere good is. There is no excuse for being evil, and there shouldn’t be because everyone was put on this earth for a specific purpose, and I highly doubt that being an evil person was that specific purpose.

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