Friday, January 28, 2011

Why did Shakespeare’s plays appeal to “groundlings, royals, and everyone in between? What elements assisted him in doing that?

I feel that Shakespeare’s plays appeal to all of these different cultures and people because of the settings, the languages, and the examples of the people that he uses. Another reason that I feel this way is that maybe he wanted to teach everyone in his writing about the history of groundlings and royalties. I think that he wanted to teach the groundlings, the readers, about the royalties. Maybe to talk about the history of royalty, and where it originated, because every Shakespeare book that I have read so far, has been about royalties. His assistance could have been a family friend or relative who was apart f a royal family or even himself. He could come from a history of royalty, and could be writing about his family history and life.

Queen Elizabeth I was the unwanted child of Henry VIII.. Why?

Elizabeth was an unwanted child of Henry VIII because she didn’t have any kind of male genes inside of her, and Henry really wanted to have a son so that he could pass his throne down unto him. Unfortunately her mother, Anne Boleyn couldn’t give him a boy so he didn’t want to keep Elizabeth, which caused her to become an illegitimate bastard child. Sounds pretty harsh right, but that what it was. And then when she was less than three years old, Henry had her mother executed some say on her birthday, for accusations of witchcraft. Later on in her illegitimate life Elizabeth went on to be the queen, and was almost dethroned several times. But since she was a girl, Henry couldn’t pass his throne down to her.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life?

The decisions that will affect me for the rest of my life are very important. Like whether I choose to stay in school. Or whether I choose to dropout, which I'm not. Also, what college I attend, and what I plan to do while I am there. The last one is what I plan to do when I graduate. I struggling a little bit with math, but other than that, I am doing okay in school. When I am completely finished with school, I want to have my PhD. I am still deciding on whatever it is going to be, but whatever it is, I know that it will be good for the rest of my life.