Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Had Juliet been older, do you think she would have done the same things she did in the play?

If juliet was older I think that she would have acted worse than she did when she was younger. why, because she would have knew more stuff, and she could do more. And, since she is older she could have more legal things, and purchase things that she couldnt since she was a kid. What I mean is that she could have probably got the poison herself instead of waiting for Friar to get it for her, and she probably would have went to Romeo herself instead of him coming to her. All I'm saying is that she could have made alot of other decisions if she was older.

Suppose Romeo and Juliet had not acted so hastily getting married. What effect, if any,

I think that this would have had a dramatic efect in the play, because then most of the conflicts that happened in the play probably would not have happened. What I mean is that the play would not have been as interesting if they werent so hastily about getting married. If they wouldnt have done that then there would have been no story, They would have to change the title, because the story is about them.

Could the same thing happen to two teenagers today? Explain why or why not.

TodayIdont think that the same thing could happen to tennagers. Why, because we are smarter now and Iknow that Iaint gonna kill myself over some girl, because its not that serious. You can find someone if you lose someone. It's pointless, and plus us teenagers have alot more to worry about than killing ourself over a girl or boyfriend. We have school, clothes, sports, and alot more other stuff so that probably wouldnt even be thought of.